We would like to invited all the wonderful people we have been working and interacting with in the past year, to join us for a casual chat on Zoom. Throughout December, BPH’s team will be available for relaxed chats in an informal space where you can ask questions, hang out and share tips. The team has a wide range of expertise; from producing to making and branding performances but we will also make available other skills that you don’t often see us practicing, like singing, teaching and working with choreography.
You can use this space to meet other members of the team that are often behind laptops, cameras and busy filling up note pads with notes. Fancy picking our brains a little? This is a communal offer for you and for us.
Please e-mail: hello@bdproducinghub.co.uk for session details, use the subject line, ‘BPH Sharing Sessions’ and let us know who you would like to speak to. Details about the team, schedule and topics we can talk about below.