Monday 18 November 2024
2 - 5 PM
at Common Space, BD1 3JT
This Series of Care workshop is for artists and creatives of Bradford to explore approaches to decolonising their perspectives and approaches to better hold safe, inclusive and welcoming spaces when working with different communities within their creative practice.
If your practice includes any kind of event or workshop facilitation or engagement with a variety of communities across Bradford, this session will help you to develop your understanding, knowledge and confidence around decolonising your practice and ways of being. You’ll explore frameworks and approaches to de-colonial practice in the creative sector and why it’s so important.
This event is hosted by the Teapot Collective, read more about them and their amazing work in our Meet the Host section.
This session is part of our Series of Care and is open to all artists and creatives of Bradford.
About the sessions
How do we as creative practitioners find commonalities between truths and lived experiences and hold spaces that hold multiple truths?
Through this holistic session with elements of movement and yoga, we will explore:
- The impacts of capitalism and colonisation on our creative practices
- How you can decolonise your practice for your upcoming projects and events
- Systemic trauma and trauma-informed approaches
- Self-accountability frameworks
If you have any barriers to attending these sessions, see our FAQ Section below to see what bursaries and access funds we have available to support you.
Book your place
Who this workshop is for
This workshop is for you if you are
- An artist or creative freelancer living in or working in the Bradford district
- 18 years old or over
- Creating work or hosting events that engage a variety of different communities across the District
- Committed to developing your understanding around creating safe, inclusive and welcoming spaces for all
Meet the hosts
Amy Bullard from The Teapot Collective
Amy is a grassroots community activist who founded The Teapot Collective with her life partner, Jay. Together they work with organisations to embed trauma-informed and decolonial practices and ways of being into their work. Amy and her colleague Aris, run online creative and embodied spaces for people with mixed ethnicities (Mixed Up Healing).
Amy co-runs an online yoga studio, Teapot Yoga, with her colleague Charmaine, as well as teaching classes in care homes. They help the dreamers and doers of liberation maintain hope by being in a community using the ancient magic of yoga. Amy also runs a weekly solidarity space for activists to come together and root themselves in, with the aim of building community, resting, learning, and preventing burnout.
About the venue
Common Space
Common Space is a multipurpose creative hub based in Bradford City Centre close to Oastler Market. Home to Common Wealth Theatre, Common Space is a welcoming and accessible space.
Our Series of Care is a programme of workshops and training days designed specifically to nurture and empower artists and creatives of Bradford. With a focus on wellbeing, our Series of Care has included sessions on creative confidence and tenacity, sustainable working practices, avoiding burnout, and knowing your worth and your rights when working as a freelancer in the arts and culture sector.
Bradford Producing Hub is a needs-led organisation and we constantly listen to the challenges and barriers faced by artists and creative freelancers in Bradford. We design programmes of support and training to help overcome some of these and support artists work towards achieving their creative potential.
Yes, we can offer bursaries to attend this event. These are not means tested, but please only request a bursary if this is something you need to enable you to participate. The bursary is there to cover your time where you would otherwise be working in a freelance capacity. If you are participating as an employee of an organisation, we would expect this time to be covered as part of your working hours.
The bursary available for this half-day session is £50.
To apply for this funding, please complete a Bursary & Access Fund form once you have registered for a place.
Access funds are also available. Please see the next section for more information.
Yes, we can cover travel and any other access costs that may otherwise present a barrier to you being able to participate in this event. Access costs include things like childcare and other caring costs; BSL, language and other interpretation costs; as well as access support workers, or any other access costs you might face.
To apply for this funding, please complete a Bursary & Access Fund form once you have registered for this event.