Practice: Bradford

A focussed, tailored intervention designed to accelerate the development and professional progression of early-career visual artists of Bradford


Practice Bradford

Apply by

Monday 16 December 2024 at 9 AM

Bradford Producing Hub, Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture, and Yorkshire Contemporary invite Bradford artists to apply for Practice: Bradford, a focussed, tailored intervention designed to accelerate the development and professional progression of four talented, early-career visual artists.

Selected artists will work with Yorkshire Contemporary and Bradford Producing Hub to develop their practice, through peer group and one-to-one development sessions, access to mentoring and skills workshops, and support to create a body of work for exhibition in Bradford city centre in September 2025.

What is Practice: Bradford?

Practice: Bradford builds on Yorkshire Contemporary and Bradford Producing Hub’s exceptional track records of transformational artistic opportunities through a carefully designed, holistic mix of development funding, mentoring, peer-to-peer reflection/support and network building, culminating in the public presentation of new work.

Practice: Bradford is open to artists based in Bradford (or, who have a clear and demonstrable connection to the district) who work in contemporary visual art in any media or form/s such as moving image, book, print, painting, sculpture, performance, sound, etc.

Each artist will receive:

  • A fee of £4,400
  • A £500 research and development budget
  • A £800 mentor budget
  • A £1,000 production budget           

We encourage applications from artists who identify as D/deaf, disabled or neurodivergent, come from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds and/or are of the Global Majority.

Online info session

Join us for our online info session on Thursday 28 November at 12.30 PM. If this event has passed and you wish to receive a recording of this session, please drop us an email at

Guidance for Practice: Bradford applicants

Please read the full guidelines below before completing your application to Practice: Bradford.

Timeline & Key Dates
  • Monday 11 November 2024: Applications open
  • Thursday 28 November 2024 at 12.30 PM: Online Information Session (available as a recording after this)
  • Monday 16 December 2024 at 9 AM: Application Deadline
  • Thursday 19 December 2024: Artists notified of the shortlist
  • Monday 13 January 2025*: Interviews for shortlisted artists
  • Wednesday 15 January 2025: Selected artists notified
  • Thursday 30 January 2025*: First Practice Bradford session
* Please ensure you can commit to these dates when making your application

Practice: Bradford is divided into two distinct phases, a Research and Development Phase (R&D) from January to July 2025, and a Production Phase from August to mid September 2025.

These dates are guidelines and there is flexibility within this, however artists should be able to commit approximately 15 days over the course of the programme.

Research & Development Phase

(January to July 2025)

This phase involves:

  • 4 x bi-monthly group meetings (every 2 months) from January 2025 to July 2025, facilitated by Yorkshire Contemporary. Each meeting will take place over a weekday and will provide opportunities for sharing work and ideas, providing peer feedback, discovering and exploring wider artistic practices, and raising any specific issues or challenges experienced
  • A personal development budget of £500 for research and development for things like visits to exhibitions, travel to meet mentors, undertaking research and skill acquisition
  • A mentoring program with suitable mentors selected to aid artistic and professional development and network building
  • At least three one-to-one half-day sessions with Yorkshire Contemporary’s Curator and Assistant Curator

This phase is expected to take approximately 8 days; 4 days of in-person meetings, 3 days of mentoring and one-to-one sessions, plus one day for administration. For this phase, each artist will receive a fee of £2,400 – equivalent to £300 per day.

Production Phase

(August to mid-September 2025)

From August 2025 there will be a Production Phase which involves working towards an exhibition of all four selected artists in September 2025 in Bradford City Centre, supported by Bradford 2025. For this phase, each artist will receive a £2,000 fee (equivalent to over 6 days at £300 per day) and a £1,000 budget towards production. This Production Phase can build upon existing work, or create new work.

The exhibition will be further supported by the Yorkshire Contemporary curatorial team and Bradford 2025 with technical support and documentation, plus promotional support from all partners.

We are committed to making our opportunities accessible to all and supporting those facing barriers to apply and participate in this programme.

  • We have an access fund available to minimise any barriers to participation. Our access funds can cover things like travel and other expenses or any other access provision you may require, such as childcare and other caring costs, language and interpretation costs, digital access, access support workers, or any other access needs.
  • We will also work with each selected artist on an access ‘rider’ document in order to outline and address any access needs during the programme.

Please contact by Friday 29 November 2024 if you want/require any additional support to enable you to make an application, or to answer any questions.

To apply please complete the application form.

In addition to general questions about yourself, the application form will ask you to:

  • Upload 3 examples of existing work
  • Upload a one-page CV detailing your relevant experience to date
    This doesn’t have to be formally presented, it can be a simple text document listing your experience
  • Upload a statement about your practice (no more than 800 words)

When writing your statement, it may be helpful to think about answering some of the following questions if they are relevant to you:

  1. What is your work exploring?
  2. Can you describe your work and/or describe what an audience experiences when they encounter your work?
  3. What medium/s do you work in?
  4. What motivates you to make work?
  5. What opportunities have you had to develop or show your work to date?
  6. What do you want to do next?
  7. How do you see your work and your career developing?
  8. Do you have an idea of a work you would like to develop during the programme, or existing work you’d like to develop further?
  9. Why is this a good time for you to do this programme now?

When writing about your work we encourage you to use accessible language. You will not be assessed on the quality of your writing, nor will you score more highly by using complicated jargon. Please try to be clear and concise.

Stage 1: Applications will be checked to ensure they include all information needed and meet the following eligibility criteria:                                          

  • An artist or collective can apply if all members live, work, or make work in Bradford, or have a demonstrable connection to the Bradford District.
  • Artists cannot currently be in formal education, such as FE, BA, MA, MFA or PhD. Alternative arts education is acceptable.
  • We prioritise those who have not received significant or institutional opportunities in the last five years. This includes national and/or international gallery representation, solo exhibitions in galleries that are not artist-led, artwork/s in gallery or museum collections, individual ACE funding of £15,000 or above, national arts awards or commissioning programmes above £5,000. We appreciate everyone’s situation will be different, so we ask you to consider and expand on this in your statement.
  • Confirmation that you are available for an interview on Monday 13 January and to attend the first full-day session on Thursday 30 January.

Stage 2: Each application which meets the eligibility criteria will then be sent to the selection panel to assess and score on the following criteria:

  • Strength of artistic practice
    There evidence of a strong direction in the artist’s practice, as evidenced by examples of work and statement demonstrating a coherence and sustained artistic investigation into a particular subject, medium and/or idea.
  • Potential for development
    The artist has reached a point where they need external support and mentoring to move forward, as evidenced by CV and statement.
  • Potential for exhibition in September 2025
    The artist demonstrates the potential to develop a strong body of work for exhibition as evidenced by examples of work and their statement.
  • Likelihood of Practice: Bradford to have a lasting and positive impact on career
    The artist demonstrates that they would be able to maximise on this opportunity at this particular moment in their career, as evidenced by their statement and CV.

Stage 3: Interviews

A shortlist of 6 applications will be agreed by the selection panel and invited to interview in person on Monday 13 January 2025. Shortlisted artists will be notified of the final selection by Wednesday 15 January 2025.

The selection panel will include:

  • Simeon Barclay, Artist
  • Bryony Bond, Director Yorkshire Contemporary
  • Alison McIntyre, Visual Arts Instigator, Bradford Producing Hub
  • Alice Withers, Director South Square

Yes, although please be mindful that the fee is fixed and that all artists need fair pay to reflect the time commitment outlined.

Collectives can apply if all members live, work, or make work in Bradford, or have a demonstrable connection to the Bradford District.

In addition to general questions about yourself, the application form will ask you to:

  • Upload 3 examples of existing work
  • Upload a one-page CV detailing your relevant experience to date
    This doesn’t have to be formally presented, it can be a simple text document listing your experience
  • Upload a statement about your practice (no more than 800 words)

When writing your statement, it may be helpful to think about answering some of the following questions if they are relevant to you:

  1. What is your work exploring?
  2. Can you describe your work and/or describe what an audience experiences when they encounter your work?
  3. What medium/s do you work in?
  4. What motivates you to make work?
  5. What opportunities have you had to develop or show your work to date?
  6. What do you want to do next?
  7. How do you see your work and your career developing?
  8. Do you have an idea of a work you would like to develop during the programme, or existing work you’d like to develop further?
  9. Why is this a good time for you to do this programme now?

When writing about your work we encourage you to use accessible language. You will not be assessed on the quality of your writing, nor will you score more highly by using complicated jargon. Please try to be clear and concise.

We give brief feedback on unsuccessful applications, with more detailed feedback on request.

Yes, alongside Practice: Bradford a series of workshops and talks will be available for all visual artists based in Bradford – if you would like to be kept up to date on this programme please select the option on the application form to join the mailing list.

The minimum age to apply to Practice: Bradford is 18 years and there is no upper age-limit. 

We understand that ‘early-career’ can be a vague term. You can be ‘early-career’ at any age and this period can span many years – you may feel early-career for most of your artistic life! 

When reviewing applications, we will prioritise those who have not received significant or institutional opportunities in the last five years. This includes having received national and/or international:

  • Gallery representation
  • Solo exhibitions in galleries that are not artist-led
  • Artwork/s in gallery or museum collections
  • Individual ACE funding of £15,000 or above
  • National arts awards or commissioning programmes above £5,000

We appreciate everyone’s situation will be different so we ask you to consider and expand on this in your statement.

About the partners
Bradford Producing Hub logo
Bradford Producing Hub

Founded in 2019, Bradford Producing Hub (BPH) is an arts development organisation that tests radical new approaches to producing work, supporting talent, developing a local arts workforce, and partnering with communities across Bradford to reimagine the city as a thriving creative hub.

BPH supports artists, producers, and small companies through funding, grants, mentoring, training, development, and networking opportunities to establish Bradford as a city that nurtures homegrown talent. 

In 2023, Bradford Producing Hub was appointed as the Cultural Capacity Partner of Bradford 2025, UK City of Culture.

Yorkshire Contemporary logo
Yorkshire Contemporary

Yorkshire Contemporary is the new public face of Project Space Leeds, previously known as The Tetley. We work across Yorkshire and beyond to make contemporary visual arts happen, taking on a regional advisory and developmental role for visual arts and championing embedding participation within critical artistic practice.

We exist to:

  • Provide a platform for early career artists and nurture their practices, working internationally to foster links between artists and audiences across the globe.
  • Create exciting opportunities for people to see ambitious, inspiring visual art for free, across Leeds, Yorkshire and beyond; we will commission compelling public art, permanent and temporary.
  • Support children and adults to be creative. An immediate focus is collaborating with communities and artists to provide new art and play opportunities for children.

Bradford 2025 logo
Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture

Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture (Bradford 2025) runs from January 2025 to December 2025 and is a celebration of Bradford city and district, taking place across its city, towns, villages and greenspaces. It will showcase the rich history of the area and spotlight its dynamic contemporary culture in all forms; dance and theatre, music and film, visual arts and crafts, food and sport.

It is set to have a lifelong impact through its reshaping of the local curriculum, skills and training programmes, investment in existing and new creative spaces, and open up opportunities for cultural participation. Many of the events in the programme involve its residents in performances, profiles local theatre and dance companies, and has Bradford born artists at the centre.

The City of Culture designation has already brought significant investment to the region and been a catalyst for development. It is predicted that Bradford’s cultural programme in 2025 will attract 15.5m visitors to the district and bring in an additional visitor spend of £136.9m into the local economy. Overall, the increased cultural and economic activity is expected to deliver up to £389m of growth for Bradford District.

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