Our supporters
Read more about our generous partners and funders and find out how you can support us to further our work

Supporters of BPH
Thanks to the generous support of our partners and funders, we are able to continue to nurture the artists, creative and arts organisations of the Bradford district. Thank you – honestly, thank you.
If you are interested in supporting Bradford Producing Hub in helping us take our work even further, you can read more about us and contact us by emailing hello@bdproducinghub.co.uk. We’d love to chat!

Bradford 2025
BPH is proud to be the Cultural Capacity Partner for our UK City of Culture year, Bradford 2025. Our partnership aims to make sure the local cultural sector is able make the most of this brilliant opportunity, and that people's skills, ambitions and organisations can continue to develop and grow.

Arts Council England
Arts Council England was instrumental in the creation of BPH from 2019 to 2023, through their national pilot 'Performing Arts Producing Hub' programme, with an investment of £1.5m over the initial 4 years. Arts Council England now supports The Bradford Way through their Place Partnership Fund, a cultural development partnership between Bradford Producing Hub, Bradford Council, Bradford Cultural Voice Forum and The Leap.

City of Bradford Metropolitain District Council
CBMDC are an essential partner to BPH through strategic core funding. In addition, we partner with CBMDC in a variety of specific areas including our music programme and Bradford Music Lead role, and one-off collaborations like the Big Commission for BD: Festival, and the BD: Festival Kit training programme.

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
EFF are an important core funding partner to BPH, with a specific focus on supporting us to develop and diversify Bradford's Creative Leadership and ensure a sustainable creative ecology.

Jerwood Foundation
Jerwood Foundation supports our PROPEL programme - intense development opportunities for aspiring Producers and Production Managers, including 50-day work placements with leading festivals, venues and producing companies.

PRS Foundation
The PRS Foundation and PPL generously support our AMPLIFY accelerator programme through their Talent Development Network. AMPLIFY supports early to mid-career music creators across the Bradford district through training and development, mentoring, and performance opportunities, alongside connections with other musicians and the wider industry.

British Council
The British Council have generously supported our BPH x BD25 International Artist Exchange programme enabling us to bring together Bradford artists with those around the world to develop the scale of their creative practice.