Art of Finance will enable you to take a deep look into your finances and find solutions to plan and manage them a bit better. Consultant Rushi Munshi will devise practical plans and strategies to enable you to create a reasonable budget. Including budget monitoring, financial record-keeping, profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash flow, and tackling the financial jargon that sometimes can seem intimidating such as, net assets of the business, current assets and current Liabilities.
Rushi will be providing valuable templates for budget monitoring and project accounts that you can tailor to your needs and projects. You will also explore the differences between profit and loss accounts and balance sheets concerning the statutory requirements.
WHEN: Monday 31 January 2022, 10:00am-5.00pm
WHERE: Delius Arts and Cultural Centre, Viceroy House, 29 Great Horton Rd, Bradford BD7 1AA
Bursaries, Access Costs and Travel
We can provide bursaries, access and travel costs to enable you to attend Art of Finance. Please let us know in the registration form, however these are only available to Bradford People.
We do not means-test or ask you to prove that you need financial support, but we need to agree in advance what costs we will cover (wherever possible), and may ask you to provide receipts to claim costs back from us.
Bursaries are a contribution towards your time to help you attend when you might otherwise be working. You can claim £50 per day.
Access Costs are for additional costs you have to pay to enable you to attend, things that other people might not have to cover, such as disability support, translation, or childcare. If you have any access needs to take part, please get in touch straight away to tell us what you need and we will do our best to support you.
Travel Costs are to help you with the costs of travel to our events, using public transport. We can reimburse your travel costs for the sessions on standard class public transport (bus or train) – you will have to provide us with a receipt, so please keep hold of this. If you need to take a taxi, please get in touch with us as we’ll need to approve this in advance.
Rushi Munshi is the Creative Producer of Thunderstruck and Sue & Sita theatre tour, currently undertaking R&D of Chitra, all funded by ACE, with various NPOs as partners.
Rushi has worked for a range of local authorities in the field of arts encompassing Yorkshire, North West and Scotland, having initiated and managed large-scale festivals, residencies, touring performances, arts grants and community activities.
He’s a business consultant with a number of additional qualifications; PRINCE 2 Project Management, PTTLS Level 4, NVQ Level 4 in Management, and Emotional Intelligence.
Rushi has a background in Bollywood films as well as being a writer and director, for TV and theatre productions, in India.
If you would like to register for Art of Finance please follow the button below. If you any questions please email us at