Hidden Winter follows 8-year-old Hiba, a mischievous cat, and a trail of winter clothes in a story celebrating the joys and difficulties of making friends in a new place. This brand-new story walk adventure is designed to be experienced by audiences on mobile devices, whilst on walks in their local park, or at home, during national lockdown restrictions.
Hidden Winter has been co-created with young asylum-seeker children and families in Bradford and is available for free in English and Arabic.
Hidden Winter is co-written between Rosie MacPherson and Sam Caseley, co-directed by Hannah Butterfield and Ruby Thompson and produced by John Tomlinson.
The creative team also includes narration by Firas Chihi, illustrator Lucy Bingham, designer Smart Banda and sound designer Ed Waring. It is the first collaboration between SBC Theatre and The Herd in association with Theatre in the Mill, Cast, Hull Truck Theatre and Oldham Coliseum Theatre, funded by Bradford Producing Hub and Arts Council England.
“Pitched perfectly for little ones, Hidden Winter is an engaging and fun adventure that encourages listening and learning from each other. Creative Tourist
“Hidden Winter is really, really awesome – we’re giving it a standing ovation for the creative brain power behind it. We think you will too. Children’s Theatre Digital