Appendix 1 – database of reports and evidence base

Database of reports and evidence base



Key reports and sources for reliable and up-to-date information on  Bradford’s changing demographic profile are summarised in the table below.


Research output Publicly available Content Current Accessibility
Various datasets on the website referring to the demographics, and the cultural strategy Yes - Yes

Bradford JSNA Demographics of Bradford district Yes District demographic data. Focus on inequalities and public health priorities Yes
All Bradford data sets - Northern Data Hub Yes Huge amount of open data relating to the district Yes
Public Health Outcomes Framework Yes Health data inc life expectancy. Yes
European Cities Data Tool Yes Comparative data on European cities. Yes
All Bradford data - Northern Data Hub - Products - City Wards Explorer Yes City Wards Explorer - data visualisations by ward (hexagon graphics). Select “Products” from LH menu, then pick a city. Yes
National Lottery Community Fund data Yes Grants data for 2019/2020 Yes
NHS Digital Yes Births and deaths, demographics, GP registrations etc Yes
NOMIS Yes Labour market statistics Yes
Public Health Outcomes Framework Yes Health data inc life expectancy. Yes

Cultural Participation

Key reports and sources for reliable and up to date information on  Bradford’s cultural participation profile are summarised in the table below.

Report/data set Public domain Content Current Online link
ACE Taking Part Survey 18-19 Yes Statistics on adult engagement with arts and culture - %s and barriers. See also No
Active Lives Survey dataset  Yes Raw data e.g., % spent time doing a creative, artistic, theatrical or music activity or a craft. See local level data line 317 for Bradford figures. Yes
Annual Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions: Latest results Yes Annual survey, recording visitor numbers alongside key information like entrance fees and visitor profiles. Yes
BMDC Intelligence Bulletin - Heritage and Culture  Yes Assets, funding, participation, value. Yes
Economic Update W Yorkshire culture performance (Report March 2022) Yes Update on the latest economic data relating to the sector. Yes
Inbound nation, region, county data Yes Tourism data - International visitors Yes
Bradford's Creative People and Places - community consultation for THE Leap April 2020 - notes No Qualitative data on perception of culture in the district. Yes
Bradford Theatres 2018 - 2019 CONFIDENTIAL No Full report  Yes
Bradford Theatres Audience Finder 2019-20 overview CONFIDENTIAL No Ticketing: Bradford Theatres: All (1 Apr ‘19 - 31 Mar ‘20) by postcode and audience spectrum profile Yes
Audiences, Engagement and Participation Study for Bradford 2025. CONFIDENTIAL No Data on engagement and cultural participation in Bradford Yes
Creative Choice: An Audience Engagement Framework No Strategy for engaging with audiences Yes
Report of the Strategic Director of Place to the meeting of Regeneration and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee to be held on 19th January 2021
The Happy Museum Yes The Happy Museum Project looks at how the museum sector can respond to the challenge of creating a more sustainable future. Yes
Centre for Cultural Value Yes A national research centre based at the University of Leeds. Yes
Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance Yes Support health and wellbeing for all through creative and cultural practice.

Creative economy and cultural assets

Key reports and sources for reliable and up to date information on  Bradford’s creative economy and cultural assets are summarised in the table below.

Output Publicly available Details Current Accessibility
APS Workplace Analysis Yes Number of people employed in Culture, Media and Sports Occupations (3200) Yes
JCNA Bradford District Place Profile March 2020 Yes Detailed report on workforce/emerging workforce perceptions. Yes
Mapping the UK's creative industries  Yes Creative industries mapping
Mapping and assessing the economic value, scope and impact of Bradford district’s Cultural and Creative Assets Mapping of cultural and creative industries and assets
PEC Yes Independent research and policy recommendations for the UK’s creative industries

Read more Resources

Needs Analysis

Joint Cultural Needs Assessment

In March 2020 BPH commissioned Anna Franks Consultancy to conduct a Joint Cultural Needs Assessment of the Bradford district.

Year 3 Evaluation Report

“There is a magic about Bradford you rarely find in other places and dreams have room to flourish here.” Creativity Council member
Needs Analysis

Then and Now: A reflection on Bradford’s Joint Cultural Needs Assessment

An update of reflections and considerations on the original JCNA commissioned in March 2020.

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