Joint Cultural Needs Assessment

March 2020


Publication date: March 2020

Report author: Anna Franks Consultancy, Anna Franks, Susan Ingham and Madeleine Irwin

Introduction from Bradford Producing Hub Consortium

In March 2020, Bradford Producing Hub (BPH) led an important piece of research and analysis for the Bradford district. Through an open commission, BPH selected a combined team of Anna Franks, Maddie Irwin and Susan Ingham to carry out the Joint Cultural Needs Assessment (JNCA).

The process pulled together public place-based research across numerous sectors, cultural research shared with us by various partners, and new research from the BPH Needs Assessment process, through which 432 people were consulted over February and March 2020 via artist-led Bradford Pool events, 1-2-1 meetings and an online survey. A series of Supplementary Reports are available on each of these strands of analysis.

The resulting JCNA aimed to present a broad and thorough assessment of cultural needs in Bradford. It is, as in the name, a Joint Assessment, and it is a joint responsibility of partners across the district to respond to these cultural needs.

BPH Response to the JCNA

In 2020, Bradford Producing Hub has carefully analysed the outcomes of this JCNA, to directly influence the activity and deliverables of our strategic project over the next 3-years and beyond. The detail of BPH activity is external to this document, however, the key priorities and scope for BPH, in response to the JCNA findings, are:

  • Inclusion and Access for all creatives and audiences
  • Growing the Bradford cultural (particularly Live Arts) sector and ensuring there is more opportunity for all
  • Connecting and supporting creatives at all stages of their careers
  • Knowledge transfer and information for creatives and audiences, including training that is responsive to individuals, Bradford, and the wider Arts ecology
  • More live performance for audiences across the City, utilising empty spaces and existing spaces
  • Amplifying the voices and stories of Bradford

There are a number of key areas highlighted in this JCNA that are outside the scope or financial capacity of BPH, including:

  • Opportunities and spaces for children and young people
  • Arts participation and community events
  • Tourism and destination management
  • Improving health and wellbeing in the community
  • Community cohesion

BPH will actively look to partner with other local organisations and projects to ensure the project is feeding into and supporting these important agendas.

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Needs Analysis

Joint Cultural Needs Assessment

In March 2020 BPH commissioned Anna Franks Consultancy to conduct a Joint Cultural Needs Assessment of the Bradford district.

Year 3 Evaluation Report

“There is a magic about Bradford you rarely find in other places and dreams have room to flourish here.” Creativity Council member
Needs Analysis

Then and Now: A reflection on Bradford’s Joint Cultural Needs Assessment

An update of reflections and considerations on the original JCNA commissioned in March 2020.

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