Licencing, Health and Safety

Legal compliance, contracts, licences, risk assessments and Bradford specific information for outdoors events.


Licencing, Health and Safety for shows, image by HOH by Far from the Norm UK

Licences and Written Agreements

Health and Safety Compliance

  • RAMS – Risk Assessments and Method Statements:
    Risk Assessment Template,
    Example Method Statement
    Covid Risk Assessment Considerations.
  • Electrical Safety: Read this useful leaflet on Electrical Safety from HSE. Festivals and Local Authorities insist that all portable electrical appliances are PAT tested annually and that you prove that a PAT Test has been carried out – normally by putting a dated sticker on the plug. Further information is available on the HSE website. Check rules around use of generators with the event organiser or site owner.
  • First Aid: Ensure you carry a first aid kit and at least one member of your crew is qualified to provide first aid at work. St John’s Ambulance provide First Aid at Work courses. You can keep prices down by sharing the course with others.
  • Food Hygiene Certificate (if serving food/drink as part of a show). Food Hygiene courses are available here.
  • PIPA Inflatable Inspection: An inspection scheme set up by the inflatable play industry to ensure that children’s inflatable play equipment conforms to recognised standards. The scheme is supported by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) who were consulted at every stage of its development.

Bradford Specific Information

Read more Resources

Needs Analysis

Joint Cultural Needs Assessment

In March 2020 BPH commissioned Anna Franks Consultancy to conduct a Joint Cultural Needs Assessment of the Bradford district.

Year 3 Evaluation Report

“There is a magic about Bradford you rarely find in other places and dreams have room to flourish here.” Creativity Council member
Needs Analysis

Then and Now: A reflection on Bradford’s Joint Cultural Needs Assessment

An update of reflections and considerations on the original JCNA commissioned in March 2020.

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