A message from Bradford Producing Hub (BPH) - Cultural Sector and Capacity Development Partner for Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture.

BPH is here to support the development of arts and culture in Bradford, and we want to make the most of the opportunity of you coming to our District, by connecting you with the local professional cultural sector.

While you’re in Bradford, could you offer:

  1. A short chat with artists who are interested in your work?
  2. A Q&A or panel discussion – in person or online?
  3. A workshop or masterclass?
  4. Opportunities to shadow or observe you at work?
  5. Or any other ideas you have sharing your skills and connecting with the local professional cultural sector while you’re in Bradford!

Sound good? Speak to your Bradford 2025 producer about what you could offer – let’s make it happen!

Thanks loads, 

Lisa Mallaghan
Executive Director
Bradford Producing Hub

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