Year 4 Evaluation Report

September 2023


Publication date: September 2023​

Report author: Jael Williams with Ruth Melville and Rebecca Ranson of RMR Ltd

About this report

This report is a summary of the evaluation findings across Bradford Producing Hub's first four years of delivery.

This evaluation was commissioned in 2020 to cover the remaining period of the programme and was developed from a Story of Change approach, which explores the difference a programme makes, and what works in achieving this difference. RMR Ltd took an embedded and partnership approach, providing formative feedback and supporting reflective sessions.

This report is not the full story of Bradford Producing Hub or a detailed narrative and analysis of individual projects – these can be found elsewhere in the many pieces of work which BPH has produced over the four years. It is an attempt to take a step back and analyse the difference that BPH has made against its aims, and which approaches have worked. It draws on the experiences and feedback from participating artists, partners and core team.

The report contains the following sections:

  • The summary provides an overview of this report and its findings.
  • Section 1 introduces the project and setting and sets out the key delivery and outputs.
  • Section 2 explores the difference it made to the artists and creatives of the Bradford District.
  • Section 3 explores BPH’s impact on the cultural ecosystem of Bradford District.
  • Section 4 discusses how the BPH model evolved and learned and how it shared its learning.
  • Section 5 concludes and shares recommendations for the future.
  • There are Appendices covering additional detailed information and the methodology.

Download the full report

If you would like to get in touch about anything contained within this report or have any comments or feedback, you can get in touch by emailing us at

Read more Resources

Needs Analysis

Joint Cultural Needs Assessment

In March 2020 BPH commissioned Anna Franks Consultancy to conduct a Joint Cultural Needs Assessment of the Bradford district.

Year 3 Evaluation Report

“There is a magic about Bradford you rarely find in other places and dreams have room to flourish here.” Creativity Council member
Needs Analysis

Then and Now: A reflection on Bradford’s Joint Cultural Needs Assessment

An update of reflections and considerations on the original JCNA commissioned in March 2020.

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