Thyme Café is a new script by emerging writer Kerry Wright, a comedy drama that delves into the dysfunctional life of eighteen-year-old Kailey. She regularly visits her mother, Shaz, in a café but it isn’t all that it seems. The café is actually a visitor’s room and her Mum is in prison. The theatre piece will explore how Kailey copes as she juggles visiting her mum and college work.
Thyme Café is based on Kerry’s personal experience of having parents in prison.
With the support of Bloomin Buds’ Katie Mahon, dramaturg Emma Adams, director Tess Seddon and two actors, Kerry spent a week developing the script at Kala Sangam in June 2021.
Children of Prisoners: Fixing a broken system (2019) by Sarah Kincaid, Manon Roberts and Professor Eddie Kane.