1.5. What the Review provides

The review covers three areas: The People of Bradford, Cultural Participation, and The Creative and Visitor Economy.


What the Review provides

This edition covers three areas:

  • The People of Bradford, looks at the demographic and other social and health data and what it tells us about diversity, skills and education, health and social inequalities in Bradford.
  • Cultural Participation summarises data about the complex nature of Bradford’s participation in arts and culture, sector assets and funding. 
  • The Creative and Visitor economy, reviews existing data on Bradford’s creative economy, visitor economy and how they both impact on the District 

Each contains:

  • Overview – for example, an overview of the districts demographics.
  • Topics related to the main section – so under The People of Bradford, you’ll find a topic on Health.
  • Gaps in the data for a specific area.
  • Opportunities for cultural organisations to use the research to develop activities or programmes.
  • End notes with links to resources and Appendices so you can find all the relevant data sources and research.


For each Topic, we provide some or all of the following:

  • Topic summary
  • Headline data
  • Key bullet points – in some cases simply be the headline data as a bullet list.

We also suggest how creatives and arts organisations can:

  • Embed research data and research priorities into their work.
  • Think about working with researchers and public sector organisations to align with priorities around regeneration, community development and social impact.

These will both become increasingly important in the build-up and delivery of BD2025.

Please note that this review is based on existing research, and will in time require updating. Therefore, it should be seen as a ‘living document’ that we hope to be able to update as new information and research
is undertaken.

Next Section: The People of Bradford

1.1. How to use this data

Data and research are pivotal in establishing knowledge and a baseline for the process of cultural and social change.

1.2. Why data matters

Arts organisations can use data about a district’s demographics, the creative economy and cultural participation to better understand the broader context in which they operate.

1.3. Why research matters

Research can contribute to social transformation by providing evidence-based insights and solutions to societal problems and challenges.

1.4. The purpose of this Review

Our Review has five goals that we hope to achieve.

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