0.2. Why data matters

Arts organisations can use data about a district’s demographics, the creative economy and cultural participation to better understand the broader context in which they operate.


Why data matters

Arts organisations can use data about a district’s demographics, the creative economy and cultural participation to better understand the broader context in which they operate.

Such information can help them identify trends and patterns in the arts and culture sector, and in a district as a whole. This can provide insights into the types of programs and activities that are likely to be successful.

For example:

  • Data on cultural participation can help arts organisations understand the preferences and interests of their audience. This helps them tailor their programming to better meet the needs and desires of their audience.
  • Data on the creative economy can provide information on the overall health of the sector. This informs arts organisations in planning for the future and making informed decisions about their operations.

At this moment of change, data can help arts and cultural organisations make the case for both funding and fundamental change.


0.1. How to use this data

Data and research are pivotal in establishing knowledge and a baseline for the process of cultural and social change.

0.3. Why research matters

Research can contribute to social transformation by providing evidence-based insights and solutions to societal problems and challenges.

0.4. The purpose of this Review

Our Review has five goals that we hope to achieve.

0.5. What the Review provides

The review covers three areas: The People of Bradford, Cultural Participation, and The Creative and Visitor Economy.

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