
A selection of resources developed by Bradford Producing Hub

Bradford Data Review

1. Bradford Data Review: The people of Bradford

This section looks at the demographic and other social and health data and what it tells us about diversity, education, health and social inequalities in Bradford.

2. Bradford Data Review: Cultural participation

This section of the report focuses on cultural assets and funding in Bradford as well as details on public funding of culture.

3. Bradford Data Review: The Creative and Visitor Economy

This section reviews existing data on Bradford’s creative economy, visitor economy and how they both impact on the District.

Outdoor Arts Guide

What is outdoor arts?

Outdoor Arts is work that is created mainly for outdoor spaces: streets, town squares, parks, beaches and rural landscapes.

Licencing, Health and Safety

In this section of the Outdoor Arts Guide we get into legal compliance, contracts, licences, risk assessments and method statements

Sharing the Work

Create a touring and programmers’ pack as soon as you can, so that you can start negotiating with programmers.


Needs Analysis

Bradford Visual Arts Report 2024

This report outlines the progress made in supporting and developing Bradford’s visual arts sector from September 2023 to November 2024, highlighting key developments, ongoing challenges, and next steps for a more connected and sustainable creative community.
Needs Analysis

LGBTQIA+ Impacts and Arts Instigator Summary

This report provides a summary of the scope, range and impacts of work carried out to support the development of LGBTQIA+ arts and artists in Bradford since 2020.
Needs Analysis

Bradford Creative Workspace Needs Analysis Report

This report examines the lack of secure and affordable creative workspace in Bradford and the impact on creativity, growth, and sustainability of the sector.

Other Resources


Guide to Busking in Bradford

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