
Fundraising Working Group Sessions

BPH Fundraising Working Group sessions are a series of practical sessions to support you in writing your applications.


About this training

The half day sessions have a limited capacity of 8 people and are specifically for people who are working on an application to that particular funder. So it’s important you come to the sessions with a good idea of what you want to apply for and are actively working on an application.

These sessions will help you apply to funders who provide grants for creative, community and arts projects – some of them are open to individuals and some only to companies and organisations; so please make sure you read all the information to check you are eligible before signing up.

All sessions are delivered by someone who has lots of experience with this funder and are all about helping you with the process, answering your specific questions and giving you time to work on your application with guidance and peer support.

Find out more about upcoming sessions and sign up for a place.

Checklist: Before You Register You Must

Have a clear idea for a professional project that is about creating, sharing or getting people involved with the arts.

Understand you’ll need to do some thinking and work before joining  the sessions, and that you have thought about a timeline of events. There is enough time to complete your application after the fundraising sessions (we suggest at least a month) and then 6 weeks to get the result of your application before you need to start.

Have a start and end date, and tasks you want to achieve in that time frame.

Have a clear idea for a project that you wish to apply for.

Have read the BPH information  sheet for this funder and that your idea meets the eligibility criteria.

Understand you’ll need to do some thinking and work before you join the fundraising session.

Have thought about your timeline and you’ll have enough time to complete your application after the session.

Understand that the fundraising session is a group session. You will need to share some information about your project with other people attending, and you agree to keep everything you learn about other people’s projects confidential.

Understand that BPH can’t guarantee your application to the funder will be successful.

Bursaries, Access Costs and Travel

We can provide bursaries, access and travel costs to enable you to attend Fundraising Working Group Sessions. Please let us know in the registration form, however these are only available to Bradford People.

We do not means-test or ask you to prove that you need  financial support, but we need to agree in advance what costs we will cover (wherever possible), and may ask you to provide receipts to claim costs back from us.

Bursaries are a contribution towards your time to help you attend when you might otherwise be working. You can claim £50 per day.

Access Costs are for additional costs you have to pay to enable you to attend, things that other people might not have to cover, such as disability support, translation, or childcare. If you have any access needs to take part, please get in touch straight away to tell us what you need and we will do our best to support you.

Travel Costs are to help you with the costs of travel to our events, using public transport. We can reimburse your travel costs for the sessions on standard class public transport (bus or train) – you will have to provide us with a receipt, so please keep hold of this. If you need to take a taxi, please get in touch with us as we’ll need to approve this in advance.

Registration Process

1) Please go through the information sheets to help you identify if you are at the right stage to apply for these funds.

2) Register your interest at the bottom of the page. BPH will go through all applications to identify that we are supporting artists from a range of different backgrounds, experiences and points in their career, and those who are underrepresented in arts and development opportunities.

3) Please ensure you come to the session prepared, you will receive a welcome pack via email with further information.

4) In the session you will be able to work on your fundraising application with support and guidance from an expert.

5) After the session you will receive a feedback request.

*  We are keeping a close check on government guidelines and will need to adapt our process if we need to, which may lead to hosting the session online, we will keep you updated.

Past Sessions

+ Arts Council England Project Grants with Rafia Hussain 15 February, 12pm - 4pm

Venue: Kala Sangam, large meeting room. St. Peter’s House, 1 Forster Square. Bradford BD1 4TY  Venue Information/map/parking here.

Arts Council England Project Grants are an open access programme for arts, museums and libraries projects. You can apply for any activity such as performances or workshops which engage people with creativity and culture.

Please read this information sheet to identify if you are at the right stage of applying to this specific funder, these are created to give you an overview of the funder and are taken directly from the funder’s website. For updated information please visit the funder’s site.

+ The National Lottery Heritage Fund with Kitty Wright, 29 September 2021 2pm-4pm

Venue: Delius Art Centre. Viceroy House, 29 Great Horton Rd. Bradford BD7 1AA. Venue Information/map/parking here.

The National Lottery Heritage Fund funds a broad range of projects that connect people and communities to the national, regional and local heritage of the UK. These projects can range from activities which engage the wider community in the heritage you are exploring to repairs and conservations of a specific land/area to paid training placements.

Please read this information sheet to identify if you are at the right stage of applying to this specific funder, these are created to give you an overview of the funder and are taken directly from the funder’s website. For updated information please visit the funder’s site.

+ PRS Foundation – The Open Fund for Music Creators with Jenny Harris 15 September 2021 at 12pm - 4pm

Venue: Delius Art Centre. Viceroy House, 29 Great Horton Rd. Bradford BD7 1AA. Venue Information/map/parking here.

PRS Foundation is the UK’s leading funder of new music and talent development.  The project or activity must be for the creation, performance or recording of new music.

Please read this information sheet to identify if you are at the right stage of applying to this specific funder, these are created to give you an overview of the funder and are taken directly from the funder’s website. For updated information please visit the funder’s site.

+ National Lottery Awards For All with Bev Adams 29 July 2021 at 12 pm - 4 pm

Venue: Delius Art Centre. Viceroy House, 29 Great Horton Rd. Bradford BD7 1AA. Venue Information/map/parking here.

The National Lottery raises money for good causes. Any project needs to involve people and communities from the start to build on people’s strengths and are connections in their community. Examples can be equipment, one-off events, staff costs, training costs, transport, utilities and volunteer expenses. These examples need to be linked to the overall project building strengths in communities.

Please read this information sheet to identify if you are at the right stage of applying to this specific funder, these are created to give you an overview of the funder and are taken directly from the funder’s website. For updated information please visit the funder’s site.

Fundraising Working Group Sessions Training Sessions:

Arts Council England Project Grants - Music Focus with Dean Freeman

28 February, 12pm – 4pm

Venue: Kala Sangam, large meeting room.

This session is designed for musicians, composers and artists who work with music and are intending to apply to Arts Council England Project Grants with a focus on music. Please read this information sheet to identify if you are at the right stage of applying to this specific funder, these are created to give you an overview of the funder and are taken directly from the funder’s website. For updated information please visit the funder’s site.

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