Latest training opportunities for artists, creatives and cultural organisations across the Bradford district
Bradford Producing Hub has partnered with the WYCA to host a range of masterclasses for artists, creative freelancers and microbusinesses based in West Yorkshire
A development programme for artists, directors, producers and creatives who are new to outdoor arts
Fully-funded training hosted by SAIL and certified by the Carbon Literacy Project, worth £95!
Leadership development meets adventure training in this exciting new residency in partnership with Slung Low
A 2-day playwriting workshop exploring storytelling for performance and co-creation processes
Calling all performance makers! Join us for our new training programme and make your best, boldest, and most robust work yet.
A free training series for early-career production managers. Suitable also for producers, stage-managers, lead artists and creative events organisers.
LVL/UP is a 4 week online training programme in all the important aspects of producing and project management in the arts.