Vicky Ackroyd

Our Access Champion Vicky Ackroyd is a white woman and has shoulder length white hair with a fringe and light eyes.


Vicky Ackroyd brings over 20 years experience of working in inclusive practice and has worked with lots of different creative organisations to support them to make their work more inclusive. She has also been an audio describer since 2009.

Vicky’s role at Bradford Producing Hub includes speaking to staff and creatives about language and terminology, supporting artists to apply for funding or advising on how to make their work accessible.

“I love BPH’s commitment to inclusion and supporting artists who might not apply to other funding pots. Having been born and brought up in Bradford I’m keen to show and share what a fabulous city it is! There’s a really rich creative scene here in Bradford and I want everyone to know about it!”

Team members

Kamal Kaan


Karen Watson


Alex Croft

Board Member

David Glanville

Board Member

Liz Mytton

Board Member

Stephanie Highett

Board Member

Stephen Thorp

Board Member

Urussa Malik

Board Member

Jen Nevin

Wellbeing Champion

Jamie Saye

Sustainability Champion

Vicky Ackroyd

Access Champion

Lisa Mallaghan

Exec Director

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